Remembering Coach Redwine

Dear Coach Redwine,

I want to thank you for being not only an inspiration to myself and countless others, but for all the time and effort you spent shaping your students and athletes into better people. In your very unique way, you impacted a territory of people young and old providing an environment that bred mental and physical strength, extreme competitiveness and a vital camaraderie in our sports community.

It’s funny how life will put only a few people in your path, special enough to bring the best out of you. Coach Redwine, you were that person for so many young minds here. Your arrival on St. Croix couldn’t have come at a better time, to a place that needed your spark the most. We were all blessed to have been guided by your wisdom throughout your time here.

Feels like just yesterday I was rushing out of school so I could make it to practice early and do my part in avoiding unnecessary running for the team. Today, I would run 1000 down and backs to have one more practice with you, hear one more story, or laugh one more time with you. As someone who was fortunate enough to spend more time with you than most, I can look back and see how lucky I truly was to have your influence in my life. I’ve learned so much from you over the years as a student, as an athlete and as a person who has always been passionate about coaching. I’ve always felt honored to have the task of trying to fill the huge hole that was left in our school community upon your departure from St. Croix.

I’ll never forget my first class as a phys ed teacher at our newly formed GHCDS. Class had just ended but a group of young men lingered around to chat with me. After sharing convo about sports and having a few laughs, I sent them on their way. As they left, I heard Asa O’Neal say to another student in excitement, “Man, he reminds me of Coach Redwine.” In that moment I was so proud because I felt I had begun to bridge the gap that seemed to be lost between you and our students. As you reunite with Asa and all of our loved ones who have moved on to a better place, know that your traditions and knowledge remain here with the people you have impacted the most.

Coach I could fill a book with all the memories, stories and great times we shared while I was a student and long after my graduation. Times that opened my eyes to just how much you cared about all of us. All that is really needed to say though, is that I love you. My teammates love you. Our opponents love you. Our community loves you. Those of us who knew you best will always keep your memory and influence alive. Thanks again for being the father, uncle, brother, friend, disciplinarian and everything else we needed at all the right times. Your LEGACY will always live on through us.

“Everybody on the line!”

Coach Floyd