GHCDS Fun Run Is In Full Swing!

GHCDS lower school students had a blast Tuesday at their Fun Run kickoff pep rally! Thanks Julie Westre Sommer for volunteering your time to get these kids psyched up!  We appreciate our volunteer decorators and facilitators Alex Whitworth, Rennie Mace, Esther Marie Ellis, and Deb Marlow.

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Congrats to Ms. Gwilliam’s 3rd grade class on winning a Fun Run challenge for creating the most student star videos! They were treated to shaved ice from Crucian Freeze. 

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Congrats to Ms. Lambert's 2nd grade class on rocking  their Fun Run so far! They’ve already reached 100% registration, and earned their in-class incentives of rainbow popsicles and extra recess! 

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GHCDS middle and upper school Fun Run pep rally was the best to-date!  It was a showdown advisory vs. advisory, starting with the telephone dance game, followed by trivia questions, and ending with cheese ball head. Ms. Driscoll’s advisory won the pizza party. 

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Thanks to teachers and admin team for an enthusiastic bonus telephone dance-off! 

Please make sure your students are registered at to be eligible for grade incentives!